Read this article 'Don't take pleasure in bankers' pain' in the Telegraph. While I'm no expert in finance/banking/investments, and I speak here as a layman, that this kind of fallacy has been brought upon them by themselves. Banks issue credit to subprime customers (fraudulent customers too), leading to subprime crisis. nd they, as investment bankers, initiate or follow (push) M&A. Much to the chagrin of the co. getting bought I'd say. Since they are bound to lose jobs. And now, its happened to them. Who'da thunk that Lehmann Brothers, that withstood crisis in all times (Great Depression, 1930s etc) would one day file for bankruptcy? I shudder thinking about the employees and their future now. I hope the top brass of other cos. learn a good lesson from this.
I feel that now-a-days, its all about hype. In everything we do. Buying a house, going on a holiday, sponsoring a honeymoon for your beloved son/daughter, education in that top institute - all circumstances wherein the party gets immensely tensed, works out finance charts for the next 20 years, brings out investment plans, savings chart, how to apply for that loan, get it, and then slog/worry to reply it over the years. There should be better means to do it. Simpler, non-bait. I'm wary of taking loans for anything unless and until I know I'll be able to repay it. Its not a case of 'if I take loan, I might be able to repay it' - that doesn't work for me.
As for my current job, words fail me in description of how pathetic it is. It is very much so in terms of quality of work, quantity of work, environment to work in, people to work with - you name it. Its like I'm a stone, and I've gathered a humoungous amount of moss, since I'm not rolling. Stagnant. Statue-esque.
Though it does help me save for a rainy day, I have plans.
Is there a de-addiction/rehab for addiction to Hajmola pills? I've taken to those tiny tangy tablets like fish to water, and thats not good. But they are so chatpatey and tangy and tasty! I'm craving for one (or ten) right now!
I feel that now-a-days, its all about hype. In everything we do. Buying a house, going on a holiday, sponsoring a honeymoon for your beloved son/daughter, education in that top institute - all circumstances wherein the party gets immensely tensed, works out finance charts for the next 20 years, brings out investment plans, savings chart, how to apply for that loan, get it, and then slog/worry to reply it over the years. There should be better means to do it. Simpler, non-bait. I'm wary of taking loans for anything unless and until I know I'll be able to repay it. Its not a case of 'if I take loan, I might be able to repay it' - that doesn't work for me.
As for my current job, words fail me in description of how pathetic it is. It is very much so in terms of quality of work, quantity of work, environment to work in, people to work with - you name it. Its like I'm a stone, and I've gathered a humoungous amount of moss, since I'm not rolling. Stagnant. Statue-esque.
Though it does help me save for a rainy day, I have plans.
Is there a de-addiction/rehab for addiction to Hajmola pills? I've taken to those tiny tangy tablets like fish to water, and thats not good. But they are so chatpatey and tangy and tasty! I'm craving for one (or ten) right now!