Took the plunge!

I have lots to write and now I'm going to do just that.

We have taken some important steps in our life, both work and personal, and those steps are huge. Hell, its not a step, its a leap!

It all started with a thought - how about if we... ? It seemed like a right thing to do, so we printed out the forms, filled them. After 2 attempts at me (alone) filing the application as independent candidate, we finally did it the 3rd time (for me), 1st time (for him) and applied together on same day. We got the results a month and 21 days later, again on the same day.

The tickets are booked too. Its all going to work out. It has to :)

I'm going to look at it as an opportunity to learn, grow and enjoy. Think of all the places I'll see, people I'll meet, cuisines I'll get to try, new friends I'll make! It's going to be a lot of fun!

4 Response to Took the plunge!

  1. oooo...whatever it is, it sure sounds exciting!! All the best!! Have fun, and uh, do tell us?

  2. How excited are you!?! Whatever it is that's made you happy, sure sounds fantastic :-) And I can't wait till you let us in on what you are talking of.. you will do so in the coming posts, right?

    Or will we have to guess our way through it too :-)

    PS. By any chance, could you be talking of some long cruise or perhaps something even more exotic like the Kailash Parbat Yatra?

  3. Goddy says:

    Secret ah?

  4. Keeper of keys,
    It sure is exciting! I cannot begin to tell how cool it is! Of course I'll tell ya'll :)

    Maharaj padhaariye. No need to guess, main bataa doongi. In few days. The long cruise is more close to it!

    Nahi ji, I'll write whats it in a new post :)