Dz talkn lik dis irit8 u?

Cuz I sure get "irit8d"!! Its amazing how people type like that! It is so annoying to decipher what they are saying and once done, come to terms with how bad a speller he/she is. Or how lazy, since he/she cant take type the whole thing out.
See what I mean...

1. Hlo hw r u?
I wouldnt even care to reply if my mood is bad

2. R u thr? Or worse still, R u t?

3. Hw is ur sis doin? Wat abt ur plns for d evng?
(Its not wat, its what. And 'd' for 'the'??!?!?!)

4. Dis is wat I mnt 2.
(Oh sure)

5. I wnt 2 go 2 d mall 2moro.

6. Hy m8, hwz it goin? R u cumming to play l8r?
(M8??? Cumming?? Seriously??)

7. A lot f r membrs lyk 2 typ lyk dis. (taken from a website. And yes, the sentence is horrendous!)

8. R u cuming nw?
(Oh yea, your texts really give me big big O's)

9. Wen Cn I C U Agn?
(I'd say, never.)

10. LtsGt2gthr 2mrw mrng 4 futbal.
(Futbal??!??!?!! Its FOOTBALL YOU FREAK!)

Oh my dear God can you believe that?! I personally think typing like that really messes your grammar (yea its grammar and not grammer, bet 100s of you didnt know that!) and of course your spelling skills. Over time, you may even think there are the actual spellings! I read in newspaper once that kids these days, when short on time during paper, write answers in such language!!!

I understand that with 160 characters as limit for text messages, one is forced to write in abbreviated words if the message is too long. But still, I wouldnt do that. I'd rather write easily understandable words than wrte lyk dis. And when such words are used in e-mails, that really puts me off. I mean, e-mails dont have a word limit!! Write all you want! But in full words, that are easy and speak of you as a patient person, as someone who took time out to write a nice mail to you. I really do believe it shows your personality.

Oh c'mon, its not that hard is it? With the T9 feature on, its really easy :)

And really, WHATS WITH THE "CUMMING"????!?!?!?!!

1 Response to Dz talkn lik dis irit8 u?

  1. Goddy says:

    For once.. I agree with your dislike for the "cumming" variety... I hate people who sms me.. one liners that too with all short hand... Busy bees eh??

    It really irritates me. BIG TIME