An Inconvenient Truth

Al Gore revealed it on Friday night. Me, the husband and a friend went to watch the movie. Its a splendid attempt to awaken the masses to the threat of global warming. He's based the movie on facts, and scientists back him. There are claims that there are scientists that dont, but that only means they need to be educated.

For me, global warming is anything but a hype, a myth. Its real, its something thats extremely subtle - happening around us, and the sooner we act, the better. He explains the level of greenhouse gases in the environment, how it has and will lead to temperature increase, melting of ice glaciers in the Antarcticas, the unnatural floods, famines, tsumanis, hurricanes - unless we do something about it.

Imagine this - (forget about the movie and lets focus on facts here, facts that you and I are a part of) There has been population boom in the post WW-II era. Though I was born in early 1980s, I *do know* that the population worldwide has risen. So has the economy, the automobile industry is flourishing like never before. Most families have at least 2 means of transport - one of them usually a car. Most run on petrol or other fossil fiels. Most of us dont take the bus anymore and use our cars for travel. The population needs a place to live and so lots of houses being built - sometimes even making space for it by deforestation. Industralization also is a reason for deforestation. We need jobs, so huge buildings are built by encroaching upon agricultural land for the purpose.

Look close, isnt the environment bearing the brunt here? The Himalayan glaciers is fast melting, the 10 hottest years since 1880 have been in the last 14 years, Antarctic ice cores have more CO2 concentration that in the last 6,50,000 years.

He cities an example of a frog - put one in a boiling hot water and it'll jump right out, but put it in luke warm water and slowly increase the temp., it'll stay right there. Even when the water starts boiling, it stays. Unless, someone rescues it, someone takes it out. He says these is what is happening with us. We should do something about it right away, rather than the effect actually happening and then we trying to reverse the irreversible.

About the film - a critic says, "You owe it to yourself to see this film. If you do not, and you have grandchildren, you should explain to them why you decided not to.". 'Nuff said. And dont forget to check out the article on wiki by the same name.

Peace out.

1 Response to An Inconvenient Truth

  1. was smewut late this time to read...intrestingly, Asian coutries are consuming around 80million barrels of petrol every year, compared to US at only 20..and the good news is that the petrol reserves across the world is going to last only for next is it fair to keep it stretching for 40years...or will it it better to increase the temperature of water more rapidly.