Aftermath of 300

On the front door of our home there's a sticker that says, "The Incredibles". Cute no? The boys (hubby and brother-in-law) came up with it; they cut it off the DVD we have at home of that movie. (Yea, the animated movie "The Incredibles"). The day they did it, both kept running around the house yelling, "I am Dash", "I am Mr. Incredible", "We are superheroes" in those wierd macho voices you hear on AXN.

Are you laughing?? So was I, all the time. Now, they both have gotten sillier. After watching 300, they both were yelling the war cry "Ahoo Ahooo" all the way back home. And were discussing puttin up "Spartans" on the front door!! Even today, they run around the house holding a hockey stick or cricket bat and cross them with each other yelling "Ahoo".

*sigh* tell me what do I do with these kids??!!!?!

2 Response to Aftermath of 300

  1. look ... who's here ...
    300 is an awesome movie ..
    loved it ..
    and spartan's women are not safe .. hehehe

  2. S* says:

    I loved 300. It was a wonderfully heroic movie.

    As for your them on timeout? ;)